April 19th, 2017

It seems I may be a tad focused on the challenges we face. And as much as I’d like to be honest about this experience, I realize I need to document a bit more about the actual fun. Not simply saying, “there have been moments of fun”. Because exploring has been fun! Tiring AND fun.

This city has so much to see and do. Almost like a clean Vegas. And those who know me well know I LOVE VEGAS!!!!!!

What have we seen with our wondrous eyes, felt with our gentle touch and where have the soles of our feet taken us in this city of awesomeness? We’ve been all over! Well not everywhere but a few places.

Our first day here we went to Toa Payoh, the community right next door. On our walk over we weaved through the concrete overpass instead of climbing the stairs – this is what happens when you walk with a pram holding our precious cargo. Got to the other side and saw a nature park where turtle’s swim freely, gracefully, until they see you then they dive for cover.

We were on our way to find the bank and stopped for breakfast, traditional Asian style breakfast noodles, curry puffs (which ended up being too spicy for the little mouths) and coffee for us older kids. It was a taste sensation. Not because it was culinary genius, but because it was authentic, it represents a part of Asia in which I am not familiar with. But I will become familiar, intimately.

We learned our first lesson of cultural correctness. Children should be wearing shoes! We’re from the beach, they were fortunate we had clothes on other than buggy smugglers, rashies and a bikini! Ha! Could you imagine if we wore that!? Climate wise it makes good sense though.

Our feet have travelled on crooked sidewalks, jumped the gap in the train platform, through the paved pathways in the Bay of Gardens and many other spots. We have been to malls, parks, new neighbourhoods and always with a keen eye to experience what the locals provide to us.

This city has a plethora of activities for us to experience. Our plan is to take this opportunity and engage with the culture, the environment, the people. It is expansive and rich in diversity. The world of Singapore is here for our enjoyment. And enjoy we shall.